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Social media and blogging is a foundation of my marketing plan. It’s been so successful for me that I have always tried to share the benefits with my referral partners — real estate agents and mortgage professionals. Along with my law partner Marc Canner, we started a company dedicated to assisting real estate agents with their own social media. We named the company, HubConnected–a little play on Boston and the theory that social media should be the “hub” of any agent’s marketing platform.

We just shot a new professional promotional video featuring some of our most successful agent-bloggers:

The blogs have been incredibly worthwhile for these agents as well as for the other 20+ other agents in our blogging network. One agent generated $8 Million in new sales revenue last year alone from her blog!

If you are interested in starting a blog or custom Facebook page, please contact Heather Allen at HubConnected ( for more information.

I’m always around to bounce ideas off of too! Good luck and keep on truckin’!

Here is the YouTube link to the video.


Richard Vetstein is a social media expert for HubConnected LLC, in addition to being a nationally recognized real estate attorney. Rich was recently selected as a nominee for Inman News’ 100 Most Influential in Real Estate. Rich was a recent speaker at the Social E Conference in Newport, RI sponsored by the Warren Group/Banker & Tradesman.