
Please contact us below:

Richard D. Vetstein, Esq.
Vetstein Law Group, PC
TitleHub Closing Services, LLC
945 Concord Street
Framingham, MA 01701
Tel: 508-620-5352
Fax: 888-448-1344

We would be more than happy to consult with you about your legal situation. We are not your attorney unless and until you have agreed to and signed our standard written engagement agreement and the matter clears our conflict waiver system.

Legal Disclaimer:  For litigation matters, under the Mass. ethical rules we cannot provide free legal advice. We would be happy to meet with you for a consultation. You shouldn’t take anything you read on the internet to be legal advice. We might write about a legal issue relevant to your situation, but professional legal advice requires an in-depth discussion with you about your matter, a thorough investigation into all the relevant facts, and substantial research into the relevant laws. Most importantly, if you think you have a claim, contact a lawyer as soon as you can. There are time restrictions that can affect your legal rights if you don’t act soon enough. Please understand that we publish this Blog purely for educational and general informational purposes. This Blog does not provide specific legal advice, and is not a substitute for an attorney. This blog may be considered “advertising” by rules governing Massachusetts attorneys. By viewing this blog and/or commenting on posts you understand, agree and consent that no attorney client relationship is created between you and Richard D. Vetstein, Esq., the Vetstein Law Group, P.C., TitleHub Closing Services LLC, Marc E. Canner, Esq. This Blog should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed professional attorney in your state.