60 Minutes Segment On Foreclosure Paperwork Mess & Defective Titles

by Rich Vetstein on April 4, 2011

in Foreclosure, Massachusetts Real Estate Law, Mortgage Crisis, Title Defects

Last night, 60 Minutes did a compelling segment — Mortgage Paperwork Mess: Next Housing Shock? — on an important issue we’ve been covering here on the Blog . The segment details rampant forgeries by $10/hour bank “vice-presidents” and the pervasive robo-signing of bogus mortgage documents by “document mills” and “foreclosure factories.”

We’ve been particularly concerned about the thousands of Massachusetts residents who purchased foreclosed properties which are now left with defective titles due to the various errors and missteps of foreclosing lenders and their foreclosure attorneys. In the 60 Minutes segment, the new head of the FDIC, Sheila Bair, proposes a federal “Superfund” to clean up this colossal mess. That’s certainly a good idea. Innocent home buyers shouldn’t have to bear the burden of all the mistakes and shortcuts made by a banking industry too eager to process foreclosures at any cost.

More Coverage:

U.S. Bank v. Ibanez case

Defective Foreclosure Titles In Massachusetts: What’s Next?


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